“An invisible red thread connects those who

are destined to meet, regardless of time,

place, or circumstance. The thread may

stretch or tangle, but will never break.”

An ancient Chinese belief

Our family made the decision to adopt in June 2009. We pursued a special needs adoption, and we were blessed with a referral of the most beautiful girl on May 21, 2010. We originally started this website to fundraise for our adoption expenses by selling tutus and hair bows. Our fundraising efforts coupled with a grant from Lifesong for Orphans were a tremendous financial blessing. We traveled to China in late October 2010 to meet our daughter. Now, Emma Grace is home... forever.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Plea for Help!!!!!!

This post is part of Linny's crazy love prayer challenge- uniting families all over the world to fast and pray for the orphan. You can visit her blog at www.aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com

Over the last 5 months I have fallen in love with not only my daughter waiting on me in Ch*na, but a magnificent place called the Philip Hayden Foundation, home of the Shepherd's Field Children's Village where my daughter is living. I am in awe at the care they give their children and the loving, nurturing environment they provide.

When I found out that my daughter had been moved to SFCV I was overwhelmed with joy. I had prayed that God would protect her and watch over her until we could get there and I have no doubt that her move to SFCV was an answered prayer!

The Philip Hayden Foundation is a Christian ran orphanage (foster village) in Ch*na. I have talked to several adoptive parents who have visited PHF and speak highly of the care their children received while living there. To get more information about this amazing place, visit www.chinaorphans.org. You can read about how they got started and if you feel led to do so, sponsor a child, a surgery, a nanny or a particular house.

The Philip Hayden Foundation is in need of help. Just recently, there were 7 nannies laid off. These nannies went to the Labor Bureau and now PHF has to pay each of them $10,000 for a total of $70,000. This happened late last week and they have until September 14 to come up with the money. Miracously, they have already raised $44,860. But, we must find a way to come up with the remaining money! If the money is not raised, this wonderful foster village could face some difficult decisions. There are hundreds of adoptive families praying that these funds will be raised in time. We are also praying that these 7 nannies will have a change of heart and give this money back to SFCV. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this money could go to the children. Please pray with us!

I know that God has a heart for the orphan. We need places like the Philip Hayden Foundation that will love the fatherless and teach them about Jesus until they can find their way to forever families. If you feel led to help this important cause, follow this link to make a one-time donation.

On September 8th, adoptive families are pulling together to pray and fast for the orphan. You can read more about this group effort by families who have a heart for the orphan if you go to Linny's blog called, A Place Called Simplicity at this link. If you choose to do this on Wednesday, won't you please also pray for Shepherd's Field Children's Village as well?

I am passionate about the work of the Philip Hayden Foundation and I will live the rest of my life advocating for them and the care they provide for the orphans of China.


  1. Ditto! :)

    janet, kevin, ted, philip (PHF 6/08), and elijah

  2. Praying, fasting, and standing with you in prayer!

  3. Praying for PHF! God, would you do a miracle and provide the $ needed and please change the hearts of the nannies involved! Do a mighty work that is only possible with you! Can't wait to see what God will do!

  4. praying and fasting today with you. Father God, please move a mountain for this village and let your glory shine among the nations through them. bless this family and protect sweet Emma Grace until she is home. Ephesians 3:20

  5. Came over from A Place Called Simplicity. I am fasting & praying for you today.

  6. Through tears we join you in praying for PHF...our Jubilee was there for her early years...and your Emma Grace is a treasure!! Love her name!

  7. Praying and fasting, too - just finished a novena often prayed by Mother Teresa - for your intentions as well as others from Linny's links. Godspeed to the completion of your family. (We sponsor a little one at PHF and I had no idea this was happening. . .)

  8. Praying--for your Emma Grace, as well as for the Philip Hayden Foundation and their situation.

  9. Fasting and praying for you and PHF.

  10. Praying and fasting for you today!!!

  11. Dropping in a little late from Linny's blog. Emma Grace's orphanage sounds wonderful, and I'm praying that they'll receive the funds they need to continue their work.
